This was posted to H-West and overland-trails lists.  It has a lot of value
to a wider audience as well, so I thought I would share it here:
> The Center for Electronic Records of the U.S. National Archives and
> Records Administration (NARA) has updated the 'Title List: A Preliminary
> and Partial Listing of the Data Files in the National Archives and Records
> Administration.'  The 'Title List' is current as of July 18, 1997, and now
> has entries for approximately 13,000 of the over 34,000 electronic
> records files in the custody of NARA.
> The 'Title List' is available via the NARA information server.  The general
> URL is with information about the electronic
> records program and holdings available at
>  We also recently
> restructured/updated the Center?s homepage to improve access to our
> information and direct researchers more effectively to information about
> our holdings.  Also now included on the homepage is a description of the
> various Securities and Exchange Commission data in our custody.  See
> below for information about access to the Title List directly and via FTP.
> Among the other new entries to the 'Title List' are:
> 1) Records of the Bureau of the Census (Record Group 29): Decennial
> Census of Population and Housing, 1990: Summary Tape File 4C.
> 2) Records of the Bureau of the Census (Record Group 29): Current
> Population Survey, 1991 data files.
> 3) Records of the Internal Revenue Service (Record Group 58): Statistics
> of Income (SOI): Partnership Sourcebook Data File, Form 1065,
> 1957-1983.
> 4) Records of the United States Naval Academy (Record Group 405):
> Naval Academy Student Records files, Class of 1991-Class of 1993
> (restricted).
> 5) Records of the National Institute for Education (Record Group 419):
> Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), 1965-1978
> 6) General Records of the Department of Education (Record Group 441):
> National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Year    13, Age 13
> (1981-82);  Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS),
> 1979-1985, and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
> (IPEDS), 1986-1992.
> The full 'Title List' file and/or 19 extract files are available
> electronically.
> There is one extract file for each executive branch department,
> presidential offices, independent establishments and government
> corporations, temporary committees, commissions and boards, and the
> legislative and judicial branches.  Entries are arranged in each extract
> numerically by NARA Record Group and thereunder alphabetically by
> series title.  The direct URL is:
> Alternatively, the Title List files are available on an FTP site. Anonymous
> FTP (password 'guest') to FTP.CU.NIH.GOV, directory
> NARA_ELECTRONIC.  A READ.ME file on the FTP site provides further
> information about the 'Title List' and Title List extract files.  Note that
> the
> full 'Title List' file has 21,056 lines and is approximately 1.5 megabytes
> size.
> Sincerely,
> Archives Specialist
> Center for Electronic Records
> National Archives
> (301) 713-6645
> [log in to unmask]
Mike Polk
Sagebrush Consultants, L.L.C.
Ogden, Utah