Some MD input on the above case:

I agree--that much weight loss in 4.5 days of life is a LOT.  Even if the
baby ate absolutely nothing for those 4.5 days, it would be hard to see how
he could lose that much weight.  The blue spells are also very disturbing.  I
think I would have hospitalized the baby for a workup as soon as blue spells
were noted.  Possibilities are legion and include (in no particular order of
liklihood):  congenital cardiac disease, seizure disorder/neurologic disease,
infantile apnea, inherited metabolic disease of many types, sepsis/infection
including possibly urinary tract & CNS, etc.  It sounds as though the MDs are
trying to work through this differential diagnosis.

As far as the lactation problem is concerned, everything possible needs to be
done to try to build up the mom's milk supply as fast as possible.  Having
the baby nurse using a SNS might be a reasonable idea--if the baby can take
fluid adequately from the SNS while nursing at the breast, then his suck may
really be OK.

Good luck.

Linda L. Shaw MD