Dear All, especially Tom Hale,
I did a home visit last week on a mom with hypertension postpartum.
Her doctor put her on Atenolol, which I see a lot of. She calls in 2
days that her milk supply dramatically decreased.  I called the doctor
and she was changed to Nifedipine, pumped and fed frequently the next
24 hours and milk supply came back well.  Her baby also had diarrhea
(I did not see this but she said 12-15 stools in 24 hours) and other
signs of dehydration.  These too resolved in 24 hours with
breastfeeding and 4 oz of pedialyte total.  I know from hearing Dr.
Hale that Atenolol is not the drug of choice for the breastfeeding mom
but I searched the Archives and really did not come up with good
documentation of research studies.  If I am to approach our doctors, I
must have that. Anyone have good research??  Do you think the
intestinal problems this baby had could have been the Atenolol or just
coincidence?  She had given about 4 ounces of abm the day before the
"diarrhea" also.
TIA for your help.