Hi everyone,

Well, I am a bit disappointed today as the article I wrote on the
advantages to breastfeeding was turned down by Healthy Kids Magazine.
This is "The Magazine For Parents From the American Academy of
Pediatrics."  This is the magazine that the pediatricians in the U.S.
give out for free.  There is rarely an article about breastfeeding in it,
and when there is, it is full of misinformation.  This was the reply that
I received.  "...Although your idea is interesting, it does not fit our
editorial needs at this time...."  I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Was this a nice way of telling me my article was terrible.  It was
polished up by LLL, so I thought it was more than acceptable.  Maybe I
should call them and ask if an article on abm would fit their needs?
Okay, I am stinging a bit here.

Gloria Thai LLLLeader Hawai'i