From a prim and proper Bostonian.........

I certainly got a chuckle reading the La Cosa posting and I said "Yeah!"
when I read the comment equating plastic nipples with plastic penises. The
long "Thing" posting did seem to drag a little and got a little too
predictable. And speaking of predictable, the discussion we are having
about whether it was appropriate on LACTNET is predictable too. We are all
breastfeeding advocates because we know that human milk from a mother's
breast is best. Period. This shared conviction does not force us to agree
on just about anything else! Politics, religion, social policy, law.....and
humor are each judged by the individual. Thank goodness we can broaden each
others' worlds with our LACTNET postings, even if our sensibilities are
sometimes rankled a bit. Maybe this is just the price of our relatively
open forum.

Maybe we need a qualifying statement for LACTNET: We want all participants
to feel comfortable taking from the forum information the works for you and
your practice. If there's something you don't agree with, please don't feel
that you can't return or participate. We ask that you take what seems right
for you and leave the rest............come to think of it, that sounds so
familiar....where did I hear that?...........could it have been at a La
Cosa, er..... La Leche League meeting?.....

Bonny Nothern, IBCLC