In a recent Natural History programme shown on BBC1 TV in the UK a claim
was made along the lines " tens of thousands of people are killed
annually by honey bees worldwide".  I find this claim difficult to
believe.  In the programme it was put across rather sensationally, with
( need I say) reference to Africanised honey bees in the Americas.  If
the claim is incorrect I would like to strike a small blow for the
facts, and for beekeeping, by presenting a more accurate picture to the
Programme makers.
The Programme producer argues that deaths from insect stings (
predominantly bees and wasps) are far greater than from all other
venomous animals put together, and quotes a reference relating to
America, North of Mexico to support this.  She then states that the
number of deaths from snake bites alone in the world exceeds 10,000 per
year, and putting these two statements together,  arrives at a basis for
the claim.
Does anyone have any information on the number of people worldwide that
are killed as a result of honey bee stings?  Are there any data on death
rates in specific countries or continents?  References to documented
literature would be particularly helpful.
Mike Rowbottom
North Yorkshire