Thank you, Jon Ahrendsen, for your breastfeeding advocacy. One thing that
we are hoping to try here in Massachusetts is to invite specialists like
gastroenterologists and plastic surgeons to our MLCA (ILCA affiliate)
meetings. We hope to have uninformed and even antagonistic professionals
come to give us their points of view in a comfortable collegial setting,
where they can see us as non-fanatical, reasonable listeners. Naturally,
since the meetings are our home turf, we can share our information with
them as well. Sometimes we end up "preaching to the converted" when we only
invite breastfeeding-friendly professionals so maybe we will be able to
open up lines of communication that have been closed up until now.
Obviously, if the only time we interact with other specialists is at a time
of crisis, when egos are heavily invested (ours as well as theirs), the
likelihood of having a meeting of the minds goes way down.

Thanks again.

Bonny Nothern, IBCLC