Dear all,

In the process of doing some gathering of statistics and I need your help,
pronto!  ASAP, could any of you PLEASE e-mail me (privately) with numbers of
slow weight gain or FTT babies you have seen that you can attribute to the
mother following the Ezzo Preparation for Parenting program/BabyWise (rigid
scheduling).  If you've only seen one, that's OK -- I need to hear from as
many of you as possible, and as soon as possible, as this has to be done VERY
quickly.  I'd also like to know, that of the ones you know about, how many
were the primary physician aware that the slow weight gain or FTT was due to
the Prep for Parenting/BabyWise program.  So, your e-mail may look something
like this:

"In the last year, I've seen 5 babies with FTT.  The physician was not aware,
until I told him, what the cause was.  4 of the mothers decided not to change
their feeding schedules but to use formula supplementation; one agreed to
feed more frequently."  Or something like that.  If you want to send more
information (brief story) about your cases, that would be great, but for what
we need now, we need hard, cold numbers.

Thanks so much!

Jan Barger, RN, MA, IBCLC ([log in to unmask])