*FYI* From the sci.agric.news group for those who are interested in such
things that you won't find in your local newspaper or bee papers.
On August 4, 1997 the Sioux Honey Association a CO-OP of honey
producers who market honey nation wide under the SUE BEE and AUNT SUE
labels announced their final earning for the 1996 crop. They represent
the largest pool of honey produced and marketed in the US and they have
two major honey packing plants located in Southern California and Sioux
City Iowa.
Returns to producers represent what is left after all the costs of
packing, selling, and shipping have been paid. A percentage of the
honey producers returns are held back and invested in the company and
is returned when the producer retires from the company. Membership is
open to US producers only, and to be a member requires the production
of the types of honey that are marketed by the association.
What was left for the honey producer members of SIOUX HONEY ASSOCIATION:
Sue Bee Bottlegrade Base Price          $.8608 (USA $$)
(Average Bonus for Color & Moisture)      .0322
((this is the Clover, Orange and          ------
high quality table honey's))             $.8930
Aunt Sue Bottlegrade                     $.8508
(Average Bonus)((this is the high         .0096
quality darker, or western type honey))   ------
Pool #3                                  $.8308
((darker Industrial use Honey))
Special Pool ((darker Industrial use     $.8208
Honey such as TALLOW tree honey))
Pool #4 ((honey you would not want       $.5000
to eat, melter, or high moisture))
Choice Wax                               $2.3749
Light Wax                                $2.3249
Dark Wax                                 $2.2749
All Sioux Bee honey producers honey is regularly checked for adulteration
and farm chemicals and if found is returned at the members expense and
regulatory authorities are notified. A Sioux Bee member pays two or
three times for honey promotion, they pay the government as producers,
as packers, and pay to promote their own products with the only honey
packer national advertising of honey. Sioux Honey is the #1 US quality
and wholesale price leader and other large packers can only compete with
lower price and using cheeper imported honey. Sioux Bee has one small
producer in Mexico and exports packed honey world wide.
ttul, the OLd Drone
(c) Permission is granted to freely copy this document
in any form, or to print for any personal use.
(w)Opinions are not necessarily facts. Use at own risk.
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ http://suebee.com  (HONEY LOVERS INFORMATION)