Dee Keith IBCLC< LLLL, mother of 10 breastfed children , just not all at

Has any one besides me noticed that some of the most negative stuff about
Breastfeeding always seems to leak its way into the press during, or right
before WBF WEEK. Its not like we keep it a secret from the formula companies
when it is. Maybe they just look for something negative to put out. Maybe I'm
Paranoid. Lets be realistic who for instance gets best served by publications
such as the Wall Street Journal , Business that's who. And if .82 cents of
every dollar is profit for formula companies. Who has the greatest amount of
clout with a business publication. Not that this is the year I heard negative
stuff in the Wall Street Journal, but an article that instantly blames
breastfeeding and a connection to drug abuse is just a bit suspicious.
Particularly considering all the missing information here.