Sounds like cookbooks that don't eat meat...
For those helping moms to have healthy vegetarian lifestyles -
Here are a variety of cookbooks for families looking for good vegan recipes:
The Compassionate Cook by PETA and Ingird Newkirk  - Finally a vegan version
of macaroni and cheese casserole.
Mother Nature' s Garden by Florence Bienenfeld
The Oats, Peas Beans, and Barley Cookbook by Edith Young Cottrell
The High Road to Health by Lindsay Wagner and Ariane Spade - the former
Bionic Woman  breastfed her babies and is a vegan cookbook writer
The Cookbook for People Who Love Animals by GENTLE WORLD - philosophy/recipes
I get the most use out of the PETA cookbook and the Oats... etc, book as well
as Vegetarian Times  vegan suggestions. There used to be a Vegetarian Gourmet
magazine but I haven't seen it lately. For real gourmets there are A
Celebration of Wellness and A Vegetarian's Ecstasy by Levin and Cederquist.

Sorry for the delay, hope this is useful for families who like to eat
vegetarian, and those who work with them,
Judy Fram, Brooklyn, NY who is still trying to convince a local "Green" store
that a display about World Breastfeeding Week need not offend customers...