    I posted for info when my friend and pediatrician, who had a
kindergartenere and a 3 year old found out she was carrying triplets.  I got
a lot of helpful suggestions, so you may want to check the archives.  Jane
Bradshaw is the LC who taught the section on multiples at Georgetown, and she
has names and numbers of moms who have been there and done that.  Diane
Weisinger was kind enough to send me some very helpful articles from LLLI ,
which I would be happy to pass on to you.
    My friend/pedi is now nursing her 2-1/2 month old triplets and doing
great.  I hope that your friend is prepared to get LOTS of help with the
other children, cooking, laundry, etc, and to be prepared for weeks if not
months of bedrest prior to the birth.  One of the most difficult aspects for
her was separation from her older kids during a prolonged hospital stay, and
trying to meet everyone's needs.
     Thanks for giving this mom encouragement and support.
     -Debi Page Ferrarello, RN, IBCLC