On Thu, 31 Jul 1997 20:31:09 +-100 "[log in to unmask]"
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I wonder what the position would be if someone "knowingly" brought =
>Varroa or some other disease to an area previously free of that
>disease? =
> And, would the landowner also be responsible for allowing infected =
>colonies on his land?
>I bet you all read this because of the subject!!  Still,  I would be =
>interested to here some of your views on the subject.
You are going to get that lawyer on this List cranked up again! :-)
 [log in to unmask] - Scituate,MA,USA
           Cerberus - Three Sites In One
      Honey Bees-LottoLand-Doktor Finkle