Bureaucratic humbug!  Lists don't solve problems.  We merely give power
to list owners to certify our value to the profession.   Of course, there
will be no abuses of this power.   (Anyone believe that?)  I hope SHA says
If the issue is that we're cranking out lots of degrees with no substance
behind them perhaps the solution is to look at how we educate.
If the issue is that there are lots of unethical people out there then
we need to teach ethics as part of the curriculum.
There will always be poor performers and good performers.  I don't want
to have to pay for the priviledge of empowering some faceless bureacracy
to tell me I do or don't meet this month's criteria for inclusion in the
Maybe the problem we're solving with all this time, treasure, and effort
hasn't been made clear enough.  Can anyone shed light on what crisis or
crises we're getting out of by putting our heads into this noose?