Thanks for the email address. I have been out of town, so just now had time
to write a short and sweet letter. I agree with you that we should all try to
write positive letters when we can, as well as the scathing ones. Here it is:


A colleague shared your article "Common sense at odds with 'breastaphobia' "
seen July 6 in the Sacramento Bee.  I thoroughly enjoyed your witty comebacks
to some of the objections raised re the new California law (breastfeeding in
public places).  I agree with your statement that "the essence of these laws
is precisely that babies belong wherever their moms are..."

Thank you for sharing your personal experiences about breastfeeding in Greece
and for provoking others to consider the possible connection between lack of
bonding and child abandonment and abuse.  Breastfeeding could use a few more
advocates, and you are such an articulate one.  Please consider writing again
on this topic - perhaps for World Breastfeeding Week, Aug 1 - 7 every year.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Coordinator
Violet Louisiana