On Thu, 31 Jul 1997 09:34:11 -2 Lynn Moony said:
>"The rate of births by caesarean section in S.A. has escalated
.......  Women also appear to be demanding caesars more as they
believe it is easier, and they can also plan the date."<
>...then a quote from an obstetrician...
the operation is the "best way of escape for the baby as it is birth
without violence.  The vagina is a sexual organ, not a childbirth
organ, and women today are not baby-making machines."<

Some people have this wonderful gift for turning an apology into
an intellectual insult. "...So sorry about cutting your abdomen
open, but *your* convenience was much more important than any
infections/antibiotics--with or without subsequent yeast--/pain/
hospitalization/scarring, etc.etc. (in short--inconvenience *we*
caused) which might have resulted."

At the risk of abusing Jack Newman's copyright/patent pending/
one-size-fits-all word for which there are no adequate substitutes,

Those who have seen "Man of LaMancha" (the musical based on the
Story of Don Quixote) will probably recognize this variation on
the chorus of "We're Only Thinking of YOU"!

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