I want to apologise to anyone I offended with my recent posts. I
admitted that I have a dimmer (not completely destroyed) view of MDs at
the moment. But I am not so emotionally out of it, to not admit that the
majority of people (whatever their discipline) are good and involved and
dedicated to that discipline. It is unfortunately the ones who are not
that seem to stand out in our minds. Forgive my that human weakness.

My point is that we need to educate all people on the importance of
life, and doing what is best to make the most of the potentials of that
life from the beginning. Within that definition, I am flexible. I do not
care if a mom choses to go to school, seek employment, be a single
parent - whatever, as long as her focus is to do the best that she can
for that life (that she chose to bring into this world) within the
structure of her life. Having a child brings a major adjustment to one's
life, no matter what other circumstances are occurring. I am just asking
women to take a moment and realize the profound impact the decisions
they make concerning this child and to have the right to have all of the
information and options available to them presented to them so that they
can make an informed decision about the course they will take.

I would like to see all of us from LLL to MD and all the RNs, LCs,
Ph.Ds, CNM, and all of the other disciplines (which I am sure that I am
missing a few) work together for the greater good. I was hoping to
convey that the venting here, provides us with a vent for the
frustration and the responses, bring us either another perspective on
the situation or options to resolve our situations. I did not mean to
imply that I feel this forum should be an open area to take shots at
anyone we disagree with. That attitude is what leads to our lack of
credibility to others.

I have the utmost respect for anyone who has pursued any type of higher
education, whether it be an associate, bachelor, masters, Ph.D, MD,
whatever. I know how hard and dedicated one must be to accomplish them.
My slam, if you will, did not include those here, it is persons who do
not desire to pursue education (simply because they do not feel it is
necessary) nor admit that there is nothing for them to learn. We all can
learn something new and learning or seeking knowledge is what keeps our
minds working to their utmost.

I have no children at home right now (kids at Grandma's) and so I have
too much time on my hands, I am sorry that I offended anyone.

Leslie Ward, LLL, AAPL
Vine Grove, KY
"I do not do great things, I do small things with great love." Mother