hey, all,
        i'm a firm believer in choice and informed choice is even better,
and i definitely believe that breastfeeding is WONDERFUL and what we, as
mammals, are meant to do. but, let's remember that MILLIONS of people died
of bubonic plaque throughout the ages, native americans died in droves of
small pox, and millions of europeans/ north americans died of influenza in
the 1880s- these people were all breastfed!!! yes, bfing provides
wonderful benefits or the human race doubtfully wouldn't have survived,
but modern science (despite all its short comings) has saved a lot of
lives. of course, an extreme darwinist would say maybe those individuals
should have died, but i personally am thankful for so many of the advances
and am getting kinda of tired of hearing anti-vaccine slams. of course,
this is in MHO, deborah danzeiser