In a previous post I wrote:

  The two women with tattoos who won't breastfeed are probably just trying to
come up with any excuse NOT to Bf.  This past week, one mom asked to be put
on Xanax, and of course she can't nurse (What ever happened to Zoloft or
Paxil?);  another told me that her silicone implants burst three years ago,
and she is worried that it is in her milk.  Honestly, I wish most women would
just say that they chose NOT to, instead of creating these grand excuses.

    My favorite one is the woman who is heating up the bottle as I arrive.  I
believe her entire purpose for my consult is to tell all her friends that a
Lactation Consultant couldn't even help her---Just what I need!!!  These are
the women that go walking around telling everyone that they didn't have
enough milk.  Good grief!  Why don't they say the dog ate my breasts!

Kathy Dettwyler thank you for appreciating my humor.  Carol Brussel, I do not
agonize over moms who quit.  Actually, most of my moms are success stories.
 It just bothers me when you see that there is ample milk in both breasts and
no pain, and mom has to "make up" some story to stop because, in many cases,
she just doesn't want to bother!  Especially when she decides to tell
everyone that even  DEBBIE ALBERT, LC could not help her.  As you know, it is
a form of negative advertizing!

                                                     Debbie Albert, PhD,