Tell me, if one has some frames which are substantially filled
with capped honey comb, but which have small areas of capped
brood comb, and one returns these frames to the hive after
extracting (being a small-timer, I would not consider wasting the
frames just because they contain a few brood cells; the extractor
and the strainer are quite fine for separating them; I do not have
an yuck quotient ;-) in my makeup), will the bees reuse the brood
areas for honey storage?
Should I cut out the brood areas and make them draw new comb
to compell the bees to use it for honey storage?
Or, as I have found to be the case in other matters, should I
just trust the bees to know how to deal with things? They seem
to be pretty able at managerial decisions.
Susan Nielsen                   | Beehive: If you build it,
[log in to unmask]            | they will comb.