
IMHO you are 100% on the mark!  I never felt more a feminist until I
carried, birthed and nursed/nurtured my children.  Birth can be an
empowering experience for a woman---if it has not been overshadowed by
the usual medical technology ( no flames please, I know that it has its
place).  It's a connection with all women throughout human existence.

Of course, before I embarked on motherhood, I thought to be a feminist
meant not "throwing" away my career for my children.  What was I
thinking?!  Mothering has taught me more about feminism than anything
else!  I once saw a poster of a mother from South America.  I believe she
was one of the leaders of some resistance movement.  She was rallying the
people.  In her arms was her infant .  Tell me she's not a feminist!  I
doubt she was getting the looks that I have gotten in the past when my
children tagged along with me on errands!

Gloria Thai  LLLLeader Hawai'i  (who is feeling very empowered this
morning as I sit at the computer nursing my Klingon baby)