On Fri, 18 Jul 1997 23:55:31 -0400 Mike and Anne <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> - Blue Cross does reimburse for pumps in my bit of MA (Boston) at
>But, I am told, ONLY if the baby is born before 32 weeks!!! Thanks a
>guys... They are the insurance co. that require you to have a MEdicare
>#. I
>did once get payment from them for a Mom even though I wasn't a
>Blue Cross provider. But that Mom worked for Blue Cross....what a
I wonder why your area gets reimbursed?  I have been unable to get
reimbursement from them since last year.  They emphatically say no
reimbursement for electric pump rental- even if baby in NICU.  Could you
share some infor on how you bill and what you use for reason?  Do you
have to call them for an authorization #?  TIA for the info.
Darlene Breed RN, BSN, IBCLC