
I am also a LLLL who remembers when nipple shields were evil, evil, evil.
Just as you discovered that there are places where they can be used
successfully, there are instances where the many other methods you spoke
about (suck training, SNSs, etc) can also be the tool that works.

I don't think that anyone will start beating you with wet bra pads, at least
I know that I won't.  What I would like to ask is that you keep an open mind
to all methods.  I know that for myself, whenever I found THE way of doing
something, and became sure that I had the ANSWER, a situation managed to come
along that made me reevaluate my knowledge.

Yes, I am open to using nipple shields (I still hesitate - past prejudices
are hard to overcome) and I also use the many other methods I've learned
along the way.  In the end, whatever works is the best way to go.
