On Thu, 17 Jul 1997 10:57:05 -0700 Conrad Berube
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>        * sue the neighboring grower and transgenic seed producer
>          for contaminating your seed crop with "pesticide drift"
>          (I would think that a strong case could be made here)
>        * start selling the transgenic seed derived from your own
>          undercutting the originator and bypassing all their R&D
>          and make some cash (if transgenic seed producers are going
>          to claim proprietorship on spliced-in genes then they'll
>          have to take financial responsibility for making sure the
>          genes don't contaminate adjoining lands where the same crop
>grown--unless labelling guidelines have been violated by whoever
>          out in the crop of transgenic seed, in which case I think
>          latter would be legally responsible-- as is the case with
>conventional pesticide drift-- except in this case it would
>          likely be much easier to prove where the transgenic pollen
>          from until these products become more widespread.
Oh, good grief!!  Just what we need -- more ideas for law-suits!  We have
enough members of the legal "profession" coming up with them already!  I
wish all you contentious litigious characters severe cases of Varroa and
AFB in all your colonies.
Walter Weller
(retired attorney)