> ------------------------------
Hi All
This post is wrong in a few repects, or else I am.
> A thought in reference to the news below on transgenic pollen:
> Labeling of genetically manipulated crops will become more and more
> difficult and controlled distribution of the genetic material quite
> difficult, independent of whether it is a health hazard or not.  Considering
> that bees will be able to pick up this pollen, even honey from areas in
> which these plants are grown would have to be labeled as containing
> genetically manipulated material!
The rest of the pot deals with a fear of this happening. I would
like to put in my little punt for this technology. Who cares if other
plants get these genes. Iif conventiional crops pick up resiistance
to spider mite who cares? Less p[esticide all round as far a Ii can
see. Then iif some new horror tobacco or successful other plant
should take advantage of thesse genes, we can pend the money saved on
medical bill for pesticide damaged human, ducks etc and actual
production costs as well to find a way of solving that problem.
The strength of human sciience is not what we have done wrong, but
rather the spead with whiiich we solve the problems each cure has
produced. ie sure the trangenic plant have problem, but they are
better problems than mendels peas had. (DDT, Dieldrin, etc)
> With labeling control and controlled distribution just about becoming
> impossible where will be our rights of free choice (between transgenic food,
> organic food, pesticide or hormone etc. treated food, additives etc.) and
> for reduced rather than increased pollution.
About the same place. Get a nice little seed bank goiing in some
dodgy third world country and use seed from there.
> This is just some food for thought; but let's keep the food for our minds at
> least cleaner than the one we use for our bodies.
On this score, this is DNA phobic. Genetically engineered crop
usuallu use DNA as a weapon against pest etc. IE we can digest DNA,
but cannot digest pesticiides.
Just my food for though.
Keep well
Garth Cambray       "Opinions expressed in this post may be those
15 Park Road         of Pritz, my cat, who knows a lot about
Grahamstown          catfood."
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South Africa               Phone 27-0461-311663
In general, generalisations are bad.
But don't worry BEEEEEE happy.