My heart skipped a few beats when I read this in the latest US "Elle"
Magazine (page 182, August 1997):

From the Beauty Section, Godfrey's Guide

ELLE's beauty editor gets her hair out of her face and has a baby

"When I promised that my May column would be the last anyone would hear of
pregnancy, now that G. and I have embarked on parenthood, I find I cannot
resist a few more comments on the subject:  Women often fear pregnancy for
the havoc (read: weight gain) it supposedly wreaks on the body.  But the
truth is, the fastest way to a supermodelesque figure-by this I mean skinny
except for death-defying cleavage--is to breast-feed.  To simply maintain
one's weight while breast-feding requires 600 additional calories a day ((300
more than even pregnant women get).  It's the ultimate
eat-all-you-want-all-the-time diet, and people stare suspiciously, wondering
((a) how you've done it and (b)whether you've had implants."

Funny thing is that my friends marveled at my post partum weight loss (mind
you I am hardly a skinny kind of a  person 140 lbs, 5' 3" and with plenty o'
hips and curves as most folks with African Descent have-finally with boobies
to match the hips).  I always let them know that I breastfeed my son Josh
(who is now 6 months) and that I did NOTHING to limit my intake.

Now when "Elle", "Essence  (a US mag by and for African American Women)" or
one of the fashion mags show some swingin' breastfeeding tops or style killer
slings  (sorry ya'll but the US mailorder companies that sell these do not
excit me with the patterns or styles- floral prints and pink truly work my
fashion nerves:)), I will know that breastfeeding has become something these
 mags promote and support.

Pierrette Mimi Poinsett MD FAAP
aka Fashion Snap Diva
Modesto CA