Bill Truesdell wrote:
Dear Bill:
I think that I can safely claim as being the originator, hence the
number one proponent  for the use of FOOD GRADE mineral oil for the
treatment of bee mites and therefor I will reply to your last post on
the use of mineral oil.
Previously, you stated that you would not use it.  SO, don't.
I do not like to kill ANYTHING that lives! Nada, Nil, nich, Zero.  In my
entire professional life I have not applied euthanasia to any animal.  I
have promised that I never will.  I do not even kill drones in my
hives.  I think that they have a right to live.
I can see that you would feel badly about having to kill your own bees.
I sympathize with you, believe me, I do.  You could have spared yourself
the misery if you had been counseled properly before you disposed of
your AFB sick bees.  There is a
standard procedure that employs cyanide in which one hears not even the
slightest stir within the hive.  I sincerely hope that you wont be in
need of disposing of any more AFB infested colonies, but should you be,
please let me know and I'll describe the method to which I am referring.
In the meantime, I wish that you would quit worrying about MINERAL OIL.
I am sure that in time the use of it will prove its worth or disprove
its value.  To help ease your concerns, if you care, let me suggest that
you do a bit of reading and find out in how many ways mineral oil is
used in medical and veterinary practice.  I am not being silly, I am
serious.  Let me assure you, it is used widely because it is SAFE!
Best regards.
Dr. Rodriguez
Virginia Beach, VA (USA)