I was called recently by another hospital in the US who also has a
certificate of intent from Baby-Friendly (as we do).  They received, as did
we, a notice about a publication coming out listing hospitals in the US with
Certificates of INtent.  The letter stated that there was a fee to be paid to
be included in this publication based on number of actual deliveries per
year.  Other hospital told me that when they inquired about what would happen
if they chose not to be included in the publication, they were informed that
their Certificate of Intent would be revoked.  Has anyone else heard the
same?  Many of us who have acquired Certificates of Intent are struggling
just to keep the Intention going.   We are constantly being undermined but
slick salesmen who are always thinking of new ways to "gotcha' the
breastfeeding mother and supportive professional.  Most medical personnel are
blithely unaware of the amount of marketing they do for the sleazies.  They
think they are giving their mothers a "gift".  And since 95% of HCP's are
co-dependent (so they say) we ALL want to be helpers and good caregivers
(caretakers).  They want to be liked.  If you withhold that freebie, you are
being selfish and keeping mum from getting what is rightfully hers!  All of
this is besides the corporate marketing strategies that are self-centered and
self-serving combined with a large dollop of ignorance about the bottom line
of health care costs.
With budgets being carefully monitored and hospitals with L.C.'s struggling
to keep their programs afloat, it's hard to justify spending several hundred
dollars for something that does not impact our program by increasing patient
numbers or revenues or decrease costs.
ANy body else encountering this?  Please E-mail me if you prefer.

Jane Kershaw e-mail to: [log in to unmask]