I realise that this a long shot, but...
Does anyone out there have (or know of) a copy of Crane, E (1975) Honey
- A Comprehensive Survey. Heinemann, London.?
A friend of mine has lost just about all his beekeeping literature (and
over 2000 supers) in a honey house fire, and desperately wants to find a
replacement copy of this book.
Even though it is now over 20 years old, Honey - A Comprehensive Survey
is considered an essential reference by most people who work in
commercial honey processing.  There really is no alternative I know of
which comes even close.
We are trying Amazon (the world's biggest virtual bookstore), and they
in turn are probably trying the used book stores in England.  However, I
thought I'd try BEE-L, just on the off-chance that someone out there has
a copy they'd like to sell.
Please don't clutter up BEE-L with replies.  E-mail me direct at:
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Many thanks.