<< His philosophy was, when in doubt, give it to the baby and observe; then
 ask the mother for details.  What a wonderful approach when compared with
 the usual "breastmilk is guilty until proven innocent" approach of less
 informed professionals.... >>

When I was in Australia (1992!!), visiting the Royal Women's Hospital in
Melbourne, the midwife took me to see a mom from Boston that had birthed a
couple of days before.  In making some small talk, I asked the mom if she was
breastfeeding.  "Jan," the midwife admonished me, "Here we don't ASK if the
mum is bf, we ASSUME she is until she tells us otherwise!!"

What a novel idea!  And one we ALL should be emulating here in the States.
 Think of the difference it would make if we assumed mothers were
breastfeeding....and encouraged ALL moms to put the baby to breast
immediately after birth.  "Oh?  You weren't planning to breastfeed?  Really?
(Said thoughtfully)  Well, if you change your mind, do let us know.  We'll be
happy to assist you."  (Said enthusiastically).  I guess it wouldn't be
appropriate to say, "Oh, poor baby."  :)

Jan B.
Wheaton, IL -- where we huddled in sweatshirts and blankets for the fourth of
July parade!!