I thought I'd drop a note on data collection. We just acquired two
Newton Messagepad 2000s to use as electronic field notebooks this
summer.  So far so good.  The Newton reads even my handwriting and
translates into typeface and the ability to draw sketch maps (it'll even
straighten out your wiggly lines if you want it to) is great.  It does
everything my paper notebook did except that it produces legible
results! Instead of retyping my fieldnotes at night, I simply plug in
the Newton and download it into Word (for Windows or Mac). It also has
an Excel compatible spreadsheet and there are database and
form-generating programs available as well.  Pop in a PC card modem and
you can check your email and send faxes from the field with your
cellular phone.  There is even a company that provides map layers so
that when you hook a GPS to it with a serial cable it will show the
location on the map (not close enough for piece plotting but great for
site survey)
It is reasonably sturdy (but don't drop in your float tank Ned!) and
there are cases and screen covers that enhance its durability. The new
OS finally makes the Newton do what it was originally designed to do
and, for me, it's a nice enhancement of the paper field notebook.
Charles R. Ewen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC  27858-4353