Hi! I am a lactation consultant and BF Coor. for an upstate NY, USA, WIC
program.  I work with low income women and their babies.  Many of the moms I
see ask me if it is OK to use some formula bottles while they BF.  I tell
them the best is only breastmilk, but if they really feel the only way
they'll BF is if they can use supplemental bottles then to wait until the
baby is well established at the breast and the milk supply is regulated (4 to
6 wks?).  I then encourage expressing breastmilk for the bottles, but many of
these moms really insist on the formula.  One of our local pediatricians
tells our moms that they have to make a choice, breast or bottle.  I want to
encourage BF any way they'll do it.  My hope is that they'll fall in love
with BF their babies and change their minds about the formula and if they
don't then at least their babies have received some of the benefits of  BF.
 How do lactnetters feel and what are your recommendations to moms that ask
this question?


Niedzielski, CDN, IBCLC