K>From: Kov <[log in to unmask]>
 >Date:         Mon, 23 Jun 1997 16:49:14 -0400
 >Subject:      bee stings
K>I'm trying to find out more info on the effect of bee stings on the
 >human body. Can you tell me or point me where to look?
In the general area of the entry wound made by the sting.<G>
K>Thanks in advance for your help. This is research for a medical
This is a two sided coin, as their are those who say bee stings kill and
others who say they cure all. The best place for medical information is
your local doctor, but I am sure you will hear from others and there
has been much PR on the beneficial effects of bee venom in the press
recently, mostly re-hash of old information. Search the internet as you
will find several sites promoting bee stings and even some who will sell
it to you.
Most beekeepers want to believe bee stings are good for you, all but a
few who now know better and are dead.
                            ttul, Andy-
 ~ QMPro 1.53 ~ The fittest will survive yet the unfit may live.