dear all,

while in sunny albuquerque, new mexico, a couple of weeks ago, i read a brief
article in the paper courtesy of the n.y. times news service about baker's
yeast causing thrush. yes, indeed, bakers, the "commercial strains of baker's
yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae, can also cause (thrush)." microbiologists in
italy and the u.s. studied samples from women with thrush whose symptoms were
not caused by c. albicans. the 16 samples contained s. cerevisiae, and three
contained a yeast used for baking in italy. they suggest stricter hygiene,
i.e. handwashing, if using baking yeast. the article will be published in the
july issue of the journal of clinical microbiology.

so now maybe we should ask women if  someone in their household is finding
time to make bread when yeast is a problem! in addition to some of the
remedies i have seen mentioned, i have heard of using paper (disposable)
towels and replacing toothbrushes when combating the evil critters.

carol brussel
private citizen