Hi all,
I always thought that any form of hormonal birth control given to a
breastfeeding mom should not be started until 6 weeks postpartum to give her
time to establish her milk supply.  Also, why are some of these moms getting
hormonal birth control immediately after birth.  Do these doctors really
think that sex is on the minds of these women at this time?  Really!!!!!!
 After the birth of my third child, I needed to go to our "wonderful"
military hospital.  This is another story.  The staff did not want me to
leave until they knew I was on some sort of birth control.  It was clear that
breastfeeding did not measure up as a birth control as far as they were
concerned, and it was clear they did not want me having any more babies.
 Finally, to pacify them, I said we'd be using condoms.  They wanted to give
me a supply of condoms!  I assured them I could get my own condoms.  They
just couldn't understand!!!  When I was "enjoying" my time there, a staff
member told me that the feeling in this hospital was that too many babies
were being born!!!!!!!!!!

Gloria Thai  LLLLeader Hawai'i