How wonderful that the two of you could resume your nursing relationship.  It
definitely helps after the birth of a sibling.
Both my children who weaned during pregnancy asked to nurse following the
birth of their sibling.  I let them, but they couldn't remember what to do.
 They gave a giggle after trying, but I was very sad.  After nursing for at
least 2 years, they couldn't remember what to do after a month or two of not

I have often wondered about cultures where women do not wear bras.  I assume
their breasts aren't as sensitive.  Does this help in the initial weeks of
breastfeeding?  I know, it's positioning that is important.   I am always
telling moms that breastfeeding should not hurt, and it's important to have
proper positioning.  I do wonder about this though because for me after the
first two weeks or so, positioning doesn't matter.  The baby could dangle off
my breast (like the gymnastics of a nursing toddler) and it does not bother
me.  Of course, I do not let my newborns dangle, but I think you get the
idea!  Just wondering.

Gloria Thai  LLLLeader Hawai'i