Hey Patricia,
     Why does Chicago print "Formula for risk " and we NYers have to read
tripe like "Formula for Success"? With biased, misinformative articles like
that Daily news one we had to endure, we may have to change New York's tune.
"NewYork'. New York" will be sung, "If you can breastfeed, here you can
breastfeed anywhere, it's up to you, New York, New York!" It seems it is up
to us, and anyone who can "make it" to normal breastfeeding here did have to
do it on their own ( meaning without decent help from the wider medical/media
community, except for the rare indiividual) Aargh.
    Judy Fram, Brooklyn, NY
PS On the up=side media wise, my husband left one of his
"Look here" notes pointing to the TIME mag 6/16 issue, page 20 Health Report
on the GOOD news side has a blurb about the PEDIATRICS study concerning
"breast-fed babies are about half as likely to develop ear infections or
diarrhea as those on formula. A mix of both also confers protection, but