Thank you for a poignant and humorous season finale. Enjoyed the live chat
session as well, especially your comment that now with the baby, typical dry
humor may shift to "moist" humor. Speaking of "moist" humor, I hope to see
the babe in September as a happy, healthy, nursing baby ( easily portrayed by
a simple conspicous lack of bottlefeeding paraphernalia). Having watched the
show for years I think it  would be completely out of character for Paul and
Jamie NOT to have a nursing baby. I can tell you from personal experience,
that besides the myriad health benefits for everyone involved, which Paul and
Jamie would surely be aware of, breastfeeding brings with it a host of comic
opportunities for the writer. If Jamie thought it was tough fending off
well-meant advice about birthing...Judy Fram, MADfan, mom of two, Brooklyn,