The Roberts wrote the following
>I am seeking some definitive infomation regarding the sterilization of hive
>equipment after a foul brood infection. There has been a long held view
>that heating the equipment will result in the death of the Bacillus spores.
>What I am seeking is some research which supports this which will enable
>our amatuer beekeeping club to put argument before the Queensland DPI that
>this treatment is an effective solution to this problem.
>Nick Wallingford from NZ has been good enough to track down a paper
>prepared by Hansen and Rassmussen on this subject. This was prepared for an
>international symposium in Gent Belgium in 1990(1?).
>I would greatly appreciate any advice on the matter, particularly that
>which is supported by hard research, or reference to any technical papers
>which are readily available.
There is already research being conducted by myself as the Principal
Researcher and the Queensland Department of Primary Industries on using heat
to sterilise beekeeping equipment infected with Paenibacillus larvae.  This
is the new name for American foulbrood.  At present we are working on bee
I can assure you that in our project, the QDPI have researched the issue very
thoroughly.  Whilst it is not completed, the current research is showing
If you have any questions, I am in a position to answer them.  I can even come
to your club meeting to explain the current research.  If you coming to the
Queensland Beekeepers Association annual conference at Toowoomba on 19 & 20
June i.e. this coming week, there are two presentations on this research.  I
am surprised you have not heard of this research.
As for other sterilisation methods, there are some good articles written on
the sterilisation of AFB infected material using gamma irradiation.  The
author is Dr. Michael Hornitzky and these would be in the Brisbane Amateur
Beekeeping Society library as they have been published in the Australasian
Trevor Weatherhead