In a message dated 97-06-06 19:51:29 EDT, you write:
<< who was bottle feeding EBM complained that I "bamboozeled" her
 into breastfeeding and was "pushing" her  into breastfeeding before she was
 ready! This is a very difficult mom anyway, and...I  think this is Patient
Satisfaction Week at the hospital. >>
The thing that comes to my mind is that there are probably 10x the no. of
moms who feel they needed MORE bf help and didn't get it at this or any hosp.
  Then suggest they do a pt satisfaction survey re bf and find out what was
helpful to moms and what kind of help would they appreciate in the future. I
bet you will get all  kinds of requests for MORE lactation help, rooming in,
kangaroo care, etc.
Point out that this is one mom complaining and if you are so inclined you can
maybe say that in the future you will make sure the mom wants to bf at breast
and not just bottle feed ebm, but that this is the rare exception.
Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, Mn, Ibclc - NICU nurse in former life
Violet LA