I need some Advice!
Have Hive that swarmed, and after swarm left for who knows where I
decided to split the double bodies with the hopes of getting two hives.
Upon splitting I realized that most of the queen cells were between the
two bodies and seemed to be destroyed upon splitting.
I went ahead with the split and waited 23 days before I had a chance of
looking into how this process had worked.
Today May 6, I have no queens, if all the open cells showing no brood and
no eggs is an indication, lots of honey and pollen.
Question?  What could I have done to help make this double body split
work better (not destroy the queen cells between bodies).
Question?  If I add to each queenless split one frame from another hive
will this be enough to help them raise a queen from a newly laid egg?
Thanks in advance.
Brett D. Bannon
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Ranching with bees in NE New Mexico