In response to Jack Newman's comment about breastfeeding stations "hiding
mothers and babies away from the eyes of others":  The BF stations set up in
our community were not planned as such, nor encouraged as such, however, the
fact is that many young women feel so uncomfortable that they will not nurse
the infant in a public place.  Many have told me that they would not
breastfeed their children with that difficulty in mind.  Not that that is a
good reason, but I would rather a woman breastfeed and do so in discreet
places in public, than not BF at all....  I am hopeful that as the more
public places become commonplace, we won't need "places" to breastfeed at
all-every place will do.  I think of this as a way to start desensitizing the
general  public to a sensitive subject, at least in much of the U.S.  Many of
our local BF stations ARE in the public areas of restaurants, etc. Some are
not.  The idea was to accomodate the nursing mothers first, and accomplish
our political goals second. I welcome Dr. Newman's comments, however, to
remind us of how social ways can mold our thinking!
Denise Mollenkopf, RNC, IBCLC