> Now I am really confused.  It was my understanding that the difference
> between bees and wasps was that bees were adapted to use pollen as their
> protein source (vegetarian :) and wasps used insects (carnivorous :).
> But you have just described a carpenter BEE with WASPLIKE behaviour.
I stand corrected.  The Carpenter Bee does use pollen and nectar for
its young.  The main difference that people need to note is that the
Bumble Bee is a social insect and lives in colonies and the Carpenter
Bee is a solitary insect and each bee makes an individial hole not
shared with other bees.
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"One today is worth two tomorrows" Ben Franklin     (0 0)
Charles R. Bradley
Extension Educator
Marshall County Extension Office
112 W. Jefferson Street  Room 304
Plymouth, IN 46563
Phone:  219-935-8545
Fax:    219-935-8612
E-mail: [log in to unmask]