Hi All,
Got another question:

Have a mom who just found out that the well they were getting their water
from had over 3 times the level of elemental iron than allowed.  Mom (and
entire family) have been having nasty taste of metal in their mouths for
quite a few months (which finally promted them to have the well tested.).
Dr has advised mom to wean baby (6 mo old) bc he doesn't know if there is
any harm with the iron.  (Figures, huh?)  Anyway, does anyone have any info
on the effects of Elemental Iron in the system (for the whole family) and
are there any ill effects, any needed treatments?  The family has, within
the last 3 months dug a new well, and they now have water with less than the
allowed limit of iron.
Jay Simpson, CLE
Sacramento, CA
Mama Milk is the Greatest!