Although  voices in the UK will likely be considered most important, I think
that everyone who wants to respond to The Times  article will count.
You can do so by e-mail. To access the Times on the Internet:

and from there you can follow the links to look up past issues (read the
article yourself) and to read instructions on Letters to the Editor. They
have a very good search engine so you can look up past bf articles.
You might find articles about formula (from last year's flap over possible
contaminants) of interest.

The Times prides itself on being read around the world. Their  Internet
edition is one of the largest newspapers on the web.

There are several people on this list who have impressive credentials to
go along with the appropriate response to Dr. Thomas Stuttaford's
comments on breastfeeding. Anyone who reads his column on a regular
basis wouldn't be surprised by his paternalistic and outdated information.
I think some folks feel that makes him comforting, in a doddering way.
That doesn't excuse such inaccurate information being broadcast
worldwide by one of the world's foremost newspapers.

Thanks, Rachel, for letting us know about this. And for all the other work
you do as a lactivist :-)

Margery Wilson, IBCLC