Interesting piece in the local paper today (quoting from AMA Journal
(US) about "Dermabond" the new glue for binding wounds.  FDA approval
is expected soon and they predict it will eventually be available to
repair cuts at athletic events and in the home.

I have heard mothers say "my nipples are just about falling off", but
will this product really change the management of cracked nipples, as
some have suggested?  Not if the mother wants to keep breastfeeding.
It apparently can't be used anywhere where there is much movement or
"washing" as this causes the adhesive to peel off. Usually it takes
7-10 days to wear away as the new skin grows.

Then there is the risk of glueing up a duct opening or two by
mistake. However, it might be a better alternative to stitches for
accident prone toddlers.

Ros Escott BAppSc IBCLC
Tasmania, Australia