DEar lactnetters,

I spoke with a mother whom I assisted 4 months aago at the time of the birth.
She has MS and has had two bouts (relatively mild) since the baby's birth.
Her physician wants to put her on a new drug called Copaxone one ( or
Copolymer one).  I could not find data on it.  It's new in the last year and
needless to
say he wants her to wean the baby.  Her parents (she's 19), are urging her to
as they have felt thaT the numerous viruses the baby has had are because the
MS has made her milk inadequate.  While her parents nutritional concerns she
can ignore, she is unsurre what to do about the med.  If  there is no data on
the drug yet, she is considering asking to postpone treatment for a few more

If anyone has info please e mail me privately as well as to the net.  She is
connected to the nat'l MS support group, but has gotten no info from them
about this drug.

Thanks so much,
