Dear Friends,

A fellow LLL Leader has asked that this be posted to Lact-Net for her. If
this is a duplicate post, my apologies. She writes:

<I need your help ASAP!

<My local LC just called for my input on one of her patients.  Mom whose
<nursing a 4 month old was admitted today for severe burns. She has 2nd and
<3rd degree burns on her breasts, including nipples. Her nipples are
<completely blistered.  LC cannot use cabbage leaves,or use pump on breast
<tissue due to condition of her skin, pain, and chance of infection. Nursing
<the baby is out of the question also for same reasons. So is hand

<Has anyone had any experience with burned breast tissue??   I told the LC I
<would post to this list. She is not online >

I will forward all responses to her.  Thank you all!

Sheila Angalet
LLL in Edison, NJ