In regards to all the "wanna bee" LCs, why not be a peer counselor?  LLLI
 has training for those wanting to train PC's and some WIC programs train
PC's.  My  IBCLC mentor and I trained 15 counselors last fall and have a list
of 10-15 more waiting to be trained now.  Ours are volunteers who work with
me in the hospital and also work with WIC moms at the WIC office.  Some
programs have a budget to pay the counselors.  Most of my PCs don't mind
working for free.  Some are hoping to use their hours towards sitting the
IBLCE.   I started as a PC 13 years ago while on WIC and nursing my twins.

Texas Dept. of Health has a 20 hour  Peer Counselor training and other
programs.   They are always willing to share their resources.

Finding a mentor is also agood idea.  I had a wonderful peer/mentor help me
get through all the studying I did to sit the exam.  She and I could always
bounce ideas and questions off of each other.  We started a Follow-up visit
program for bf mothers,the PC program, and a monthly support group.  Between
the two of us we always had a good idea.

Hope this helps,
kim Hansen, RN, BSN, IBCLC