My children won't own up to who sent the original post about my having to
return to surgery, the infection, and the sepsis. And bless which ever one of
them did it! I received so many emails that continue to brighten my
dreary/weary days.

I am home in bed for the next 8 weeks with IV antibiotics every 8 hours and
oral antibiotics every 12. They are making me very nauseated but I can live
with it. Yeast is an on again off again problem. Today is the first day that
the wound (partially open about 1 cm) has stopped its copious drainage. So we
hope that is a good sign.
Thank you all for responding and sending your get well wishes my way. They
make a lot of difference. My kids were right I was feeling pretty alone.
What a loving and nurturing group you are!!
Keep those messages coming.
Marie Davis, RN,IBCLC
PS I have enjoyed the cupfeeding debate--enlighten me some more